Topside Federal Credit Union

Credit UnionsFinancial Advisor & PlannerFinancial ServicesMortgage - Company, Loans & Bankers
About Us
Big reveal! Your same local credit union, same people, same mission, new name! We are Topside Federal Credit Union. The view's better from here. Better than Banking! NSWC Federal Credit Union was federally chartered in 1961, and has grown into a full-service financial institution with total assets of over $380 million dollars. We value our members' trust, and work diligently to offer the financial services our members need and want. Our members' funds are federally insured by National Credit Union Administration, a U. S. Government Agency.
Credit Union membership comes with many benefits and we want you to get those benefits! If you are not already a affiliated with NSWC FCU call us to see how easy it is at (540) 663-2181 ext 1400.
NSWC Federal Credit Union offers high-quality, affordable financial services. If your company or organization chooses to partner with us, this is a benefit that you can offer your employees at NO COST to you! To offer your employees the benefit of NSWC Federal Credit Union membership, simply send us a brief letter of request today! Complete our sample letter, print it on your company or organization letterhead, and mail it to NSWC Federal Credit Union at P.O. Box 519, Dahlgren, Virginia 22448. SPECIAL INCENTIVE FOR NSWC MEMBERS: Give us a referral & you could receive $25.00. Call 540-663-2181 ext 1400 for details!